Monto State High School keenly welcomes parent involvement in their student's education. Parents are encouraged to contact the school at any time to discuss their student's progress.
Absence from school
If your Child is absent please contact the school on 4166 9555 or via QParents app and inform us of the students' reason and length of absence. QParents If the student is absent for 2 of more days, please provide a medical certificate for the student's record.
Please refer to the Timeout for Diseases (PDF 163KB) page to access information with regard to exclusion periods and treatment of certain illnesses.
Parent information evenings
Throughout the year we will offer a number of parent information evenings. The aim of these evenings is to provide information and education on a range of topics related to both Junior and Senior students, health, study skills, understanding the early and mid-adolescent and to provide a range of practical strategies which you as a parent can use when talking with your student. These evenings will be offered once per term and are suitable for parents and guardians.
Parent teacher interviews
The school holds parent/teacher interviews twice per year. Interview bookings are essential and can be made via SOBS - Parent Booking or alternatively through the school office.
Further information regarding parent/teacher interviews will be made available in newsletters and our website, nearer the time.